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Garden Deva / $200
Pisces (Shapeshifter) / $300
Yellow Dog / $340
Universal Tapestry / $300
Winged Essence/ $300
3D Fabrications: "Freedom 2" / mixed media/ $450
3D Fabrications: "Freedom #1"/ mixed media/ $450
Portrait of "Whiskey" / sold
Portrait #2 of Geraldine / sold
Portrait #1 of Geraldine / sold
Peacock for guest bath
Peter & Gerry's mural (continued)
Peter & Gerry's Mural:
"Skull #1" / SOLD
"#4 Deer Skull" / mixed media / presently in Bowersock Gallery, Provincetown, MA. 508-487-4994
"#3 Moose Skull"/ mixed media/ presently in Bowersock Gallery, Provincetown, MA. 508-487-4994
"Ram #1"/ mixed media/ SOLD
"Ram #2"/ mixed media /presently in Bowersock Gallery, Provincetown, MA. 508-487-4994